
TValley Tech Conference 2024

03/07/2024 - 12:3003/07/2024 - 18:00

TValley is on the move! We are dedicated to driving innovation in the region and welcome you to be a part of it. TValley provides a platform for engineers and CTOs to collaborate on research & development, knowledge exchange, and training. We invite you to join our growing community.

Join us at the annual TValley Tech Conference on 3 July at Connect-U, Enschede! Together, we are shaping the future of industries with smart technology. Take advantage of the opportunity to gain and share knowledge, network with high-tech companies, engage in our research projects, and connect with industry professionals and emerging talent.


The advancement of AI is significantly reshaping the world. How do these changes impact your current and future systems? What sensor, perception, and recognition technologies can be integrated into your system? What are the upcoming trends, and how can collaborative innovation projects assist you as a CTO in accelerating development and implementing more autonomous systems?

TValley offers tailored services to support your systems through this transition. These include initiating new collaboration projects, establishing competence groups for experts, facilitating knowledge transfer, providing training and education, and connecting you with students.


We showcase our impact during the TValley Tech Conference through several presentations and workshops divided into three tracks:

SENSING & PERCEPTION | in-depth and hands-on sessions for engineers, researchers, and students.
COGNITION & AI | in-depth and hands-on sessions for engineers, researchers, and students.
OPEN INNOVATION | about compiling joint innovation projects, R&D collaboration, and TValley membership for CTOs.This event is free of charge. We try to avoid food waste and allow everyone interested to participate. Do you want to cancel your registration? Please let us know at least five days before the event. More information can be found in the confirmation email.

Connect-U, Enschede
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